Auburn Jaycees & Cotty’s Place Volleyball League:
Minors attempting to drink/adults procuring alcohol will not be tolerated. Authorities will be notified, and your team will be kicked from league. Your money will not be reimbursed.
Rain outs announced on KNCY - makeup games will be posted one week in advance.
Rain games will take place at the end of the season.
Winner of match is responsible for recording scores. If no scores recorded both teams take a loss.
No outside food or drink. No exceptions!!
6x6 Coed
All players must be list on your roster, prior to the
first game. No exceptions.
2. Teams are to provide their own warm up balls, and game balls. They will NOT be provided for you.
3. Starting the game
a. Best of 3 games-Rally scoring to 25 points, must win by 2, only to 30. Third set
to 15 switch sides at 8 points.
b. Coin toss (rock, paper scissors) for serve or side (if third set-flip again). Agree upon a game at this time.
Teams will switch sides of the court for the second
game, and the team who did not serve to start the first game shall serve to start the second game
d. Call your own lines
e. Net violations
Carries or double hits
g. You are allowed 2-30 second timeouts per game
4. Players
i. Must be 18 years old or have graduated in May 2007.
ii. Must sign roster and turn in waiver form before playing
iii. Can play with 4 (loss of serve in missing players
spot) Less than four is a forfeit.
iv. If playing with 4 must be 2 guys and 2 girls
v. No more than 2 of either sex on court at the same
vi. Can not play or be on the roster of another team
vii. Sub in the middle back position only. Teams are allowed
an unlimited number of substitutions per set
viii. Must line up boy-girl-boy-girl-boy-girl
ix. Late player must wait till their turn to serve to
enter play
x. Must play in half of the league games in order to
play in tournament.
xi. Forfeit first game at 10 minutes after game time,
forfeit match at 20 minutes after game time.
xii. Any complaints- replay- please be honest. We are here to have fun. Any situations which can not be resolved
through discussion will result in a replay.
5. Serve
a. Blocking serve is illegal
b. 5 consecutive serve maximum
call out score before serving
d. play net serve (let serve)
6. Volley
a. Anyone may return ball directly over the net.
b. If more than one contact is made, the ball must be touched by a girl before going
over. Two guys cannot take the ball over the net; there must be some girl contact.
(She can contact on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd hit.)
You may not contact the ball two consecutive times in
a row. (Two hits)
7. Net play
a. Back row player cannot block or attempt to block (side out and point awarded to
the other team)
b. If blocking, and touch the ball on block (hands above the net) you may make a play
on the ball. This is NOT consider a double hit.
8. Attack is complete if
a. Attacking team has completed its 3 hits
b. Ball is being spiked over
A blocker can not reach over the net and interfere with
play on the other side of the net.
9. Scorekeeping/Reporting Score
a. Teams are responsible for keeping track of the score throughout the game. The score should be announced prior to each serve.
b. The winning team must report the games
scores to the league director.